Writer | Director

About old


Michael Muchnij writes cinematic, classical, experimental, post-rock and electronic music.

He is particularly passionate about combining multiple art forms, particularly music and moving pictures. Michael is constantly striving to find new and creative ways to write unique, compelling music with depth. 

In addition, he is a passionate photographer and film maker. His other interests include science, art, nature, culture, food, coffee and craft beer. He believes that art should be filled with undying ingenuity and passion.


1991 Born
1992-1999 Frolicking/Obsession with Disney’s Fantasia  
2000 Buy first CD (Linkin Park’s Hybrid Theory)
2001 Start piano lessons.
2002 Quit piano lessons.
2004 Unenthusiastically receive guitar for Christmas.
2005 Decide music is the answer to life.
2006 Start Ozzy cover band. Write first classical piece.
2007 Start progressive hard rock band.
2008 Take up composition full time.
2009 Music school.
2010 Compose music for first film.
2011 Drop out of music school.
2012 World doesn’t end.
 -Co-Write, Produce and Compose music for the film ‘DRAW’.
-Write 5 movement multi-media work, A Light Amidst the Great Shadow: All Things Are Devoured.
(only recording of performance is stolen)

June: Release full length album, The Scent of Rain
Sept: Win Audience Choice at the Classical Revolution PHX Composition Competition.
Oct. Release post-rock EP The Mountains, They Speak

Film Scoring Credits:

Sweet Tooth (2015)
Shutter (2015)
The Women of the Mountain (2015)
A Preston Stanley Film (2015)
Fading Away (2015)
EDEN (2015)
Guardian (2014)
Art of War Theme (2014) 
Luna di Luna (2014) 
Striking Eyes (2014) 
Malady (2014) 
DRAW (2014) 
Exhausted Love (2014) 
PHX Coyotes Montage (2014) 
PHX Coyotes App (2014) 
Helsing (2013-2014) 
The Upside of Down, Episode 1-2 (2013)
A7-058 (2013) 
Drink (2012)
No Soliciting (2010)